Page 53 - 053 OfficeTeam OH Catalogue V5:Layout 1
P. 53
53 Construction and Engineering HSE 10 Person 20 Person 50 Person 
H it 
lit d HSE 
H it lit d 

lit d First aid for up to 10/20/50 persons available in the Premier Dispenser. It has full compliance including pull and easy apply pilferproof plasters plus additional recommended HSE Items. • In Food Hygiene Kits plasters, gloves and tape are blue. Adulto Premier First Aid Dispenser DESCRIPTION CODE Adulto Premier 10 Person 1001002 Adulto Premier 20 Person 1001015 Adulto Premier 50 Person 1001036 Adulto Premier 10 Person,  Food Hygiene 1003001 Adulto Premier 20 Person,  Food Hygiene 1003012 Adulto Premier 50 Person,  Food Hygiene 1003028 Contents Guidance Leaflet 1 1 1 Eye Pads 2 4 6 Triangular Bandages 4 6 8 Safety Pins 12 12 12 Medium Dressings 6 9 12 Large Dressings 2 3 4 Gloves (Pairs) 4 4 6 
Wipes 1
0 10 20 
20 40 60 
Plasters 20 40 60 
Additional HSE items 
 HSE items Pilferproof Plasters 50 50 50 Accident Book and Pen 1 1 1 Tape 1 1 1 Scissors 1 1 1 Resusciade 1 1 1 Aprons 2 2 2 10 person 20 person 50 person 10 Person 20 Person 50 Person First aid for up to 10/20/50 persons available in the Mezzo Dispenser. This meets the minimum approved code of practice. • In Food Hygiene Kits plasters, gloves and tape are blue. Mezzo First Aid Dispenser DESCRIPTION CODE Mezzo 10 Person 1001045 Mezzo 20 Person 1001046 Mezzo 50 Person 1001047 Mezzo 10 Person, Food Hygiene 1003033 Mezzo 20 Person, Food Hygiene 1003034 Mezzo 50 Person, Food Hygiene 1003035 Contents Guidance Leaflet 1 1 1 
20 40 60 Eye Pads 2 4 6 Triangular Bandages 4 6 8 Safety Pins 12 12 12 Medium Dressings 6 9 12 Large Dressings 2 3 4 Gloves (Pairs) 4 4 6 
Wipes 1
0 10 20 10 person 20 person 50 person Combined solutions for up to 10 persons - first aid and eyewash all in 
persons - first aid and eyewash all in 
one kit. 
kit. DESCRIPTION                                          CODE Adulto Premier First Aid & Eyewash 1005003 Contents Guidance Leaflet 1 Assorted Plasters 20 Eye Pads 2 Triangular Bandages 4 Safety Pins 12 Medium Dressings 6 Large Dressings 2 Gloves (Pairs) 2 Eyewash 500ml 2 Wipes 10 HSE Adulto Premier Eyewash and First Aid HSE Our Standard Dispenser complies, plus includes additional recommended HSE items. Rapid response is required for any eye injuries sustained in the workplace. Mezzo Eyewash Dispenser Contents DESCRIPTION                                          CODE Mezzo Eyewash Dispenser 1005005 Eyewash 500ml 2 Eye Pad 1 Eyewash Pods 20ml 2 Saline Pods 5ml 4 Soft Tissues (Pack) 1 Mirror 1 + Shaping the Future of First Aid

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