Page 67 - 040 Catalogue 2015 FINAL FINAL NEW EN V2:Layout 1
P. 67
Signs and Publications HSE DESCRIPTION CODE Health and Safety Law Poster 5458112 DESCRIPTION MATERIAL SIZE CODE Emergency Resuscitation Treatment Poster Rigid Plastic 450 x 600mm 5 6080 
Electric Shock Treatment Poster 
Rigid Plastic 450 x 600mm 5 6023 Burns and Scalds Treatment Poster Rigid Plastic 450 x 600mm 5 6082 It is a legal requirement to display the Health and Safety Law sign within your premises. • All employers are required to display a Health and Safety Law Poster to inform employees and visitors of their duties. • The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have released a new design of this statutory poster which takes effect from the 6th April 2009 and replaces all old versions. Must be replaced by 6th April 2014. 
April 2009 and replaces all old versions. Must be replaced by 
6th April 2014. 
• It is now easier to read and understand, providing bene
asier to read a
 It is now easier t
nd understand, providing beneits from increased awareness to both workers and employers. Health and Safety Law Poster Emergency Treatment Posters LEGAL REQUIREMENT You must display this sign. First Aid Signs 
irst Aid Signs 
Location of 
irst aid and safety
on of irst aid and safety equipment should be clearly 
equipment should be clearly 
ntiied. • Size: 300 x 250mm. (H) 
First Aid Rigid 
Plastic 1 6002 H 
First Aid Self Adhe
sive Vinyl 2 6002 H 
Your First Aider Is R
igid Plastic 1 6004 H 
Your First Aider Is Self
 Adhesive Vinyl 2 6004 H 
Emergency Eye Wash Ri
gid Plastic 1 6003 H 
Emergency Eye Wash Self 
Adhesive Vinyl 2 6003 H + Shaping the Future of First Aid 67 
Emergency Resuscitation Elec
tric Shock Burns and Scalds 
Our emergency treatme
nt wall panels can be ixed to any surface using a quick hook and loop system and snatch handle for easy removal. 

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