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08| workingEDGE January 2016 SET REALISTIC NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS Statistics show that adults w ho make resolutions are ten times mo re likely to reach their goal s, possibly because it's like making  a promise to yourself. Source: >>>Continued from previous page All this points to fact that the ideal time to start your New Year’s resolution is really February 1st. By this time you’re back to your ‘normal life’ and well recovered from the holiday period. A good idea is to spend January reflecting on the year that’s been and brainstorming a few ideas for New Year’s resolutions, but not actually formalising anything before February 1st. And, by this time, all your friends will have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions, so you can sit smugly back and think to yourself that you’ve got the real strategy up your sleeve to making it work this year. Start Your NEW YEAR in FEBRUARY. Wow! 34% of people plan to use a smart phone app to help them lose weight in the New Year. Source:

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