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workingEDGE January 2016 | 09 Some New Resolutions For The NEW You. LEARN HOW TO DELEGATE AND DO MORE OF IT.There are so many things to juggle at work, it's e asy to delude ourselves that we need to do all of them. Then we wonder why we're so tired and frazzled and have no tim e to do anything else! Let someone else do some of the task s for a change - delegation is the key to a healthy work -life balance. JOIN A NEW BUSINESS ORGANISATION OR NETWORKING GROUP. There's nothing like talk ing to other business people for sparking new ideas, refin ing old ones, and making contacts. Whether it's a gro up specifically designed for networking or an organisat ion dedicated to a particular type of business, making the ef fort to be a part of a group will revitalise you and your busine ss. PUT TIME FOR YOU ON YOUR CALENDAR. It is to take the time to recharge and refresh yourself; a healthy work-life balance demands time out. All work and no play is a recipe for mental and physical disaster. So if you have trouble freeing up time to do the things you enjoy, write time regularly into your schedule to "meet with yourself" and stick to that commitment. SET REALISTI C GOALS. Goal setting is a valuable habi t - if the goals l ead to succes s rather than di stress. Make a New Year's res olution that th e goals you set w ill be goals tha t are achievabl e, rather tha n unrealistic pip e dreams tha t are so far out of reach the y only lead to fru stration. MAKE BUSINESS PLANNING A WEEKLY EVENT. Planning is vital if you want a healthy, growing business. Business planning lets you take stock of what worked and what didn't work, and helps you set new directions or adjust old goals. Set aside time each week to review, adjust, and look forward - or even better, make business planning a part of each day. Not only will this help you avoid costly mistakes and stay on track, but you'll feel more focused and relaxed. LEARN SOMETHING NEW. Le arning something new will add to your skills and add a new dimension of interest to your life - a nother important part of achieving a healthy wo rk-life balance. Depending on how you choose to learn, you may meet new and interesting peop le, who may become customers, colleagues, or fr iends.