Page 4 - 111-B1 2016 Information Pack - Hand Picked V3:Layout 1
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Your customer could be the lucky winner of a 4 day family activity holiday in Woburn Forest. The prize is for 2 children and 2 adults who will be able to explore 365 acres of forest, cycling, swimming, water rides, fencing, climbing and paintballing amongst the 200 indoor and outdoor activities available. There are even runner up prizes of a children’s bicycle and 2 x 10ft paddling pools plus lots of STAEDTLER goodies. Entry to the promotion is simple, your customers just visit and 
just visit and 
enter their details. 
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r details. Please note break must be taken on 1st August 2016. Lumocolor Stick Pen Tradition 
Consumer Promotion -
 January to June 2016

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