Page 5 - 111-B1 2016 Information Pack - Hand Picked V3:Layout 1
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We have chosen our favourite and most popular products to promote in 2016, all available from both wholesalers. By promoting our six selected products you are giving your customers the chance to win a family activity holiday for 4 in Woburn Forest PLUS by profiling your customer base or complementing your mailer themes, you can select the right product mix to suit and encourage repeat purchases or entice those who haven’t bought before. Stick Pens Textsurfer® Highlighters Lumocolor® Markers 

lus® Fineliners Tradition Pencils Noris Pencils Pick a product each quarter  to complement your mailer t heme, one a month, or why not mix several promotions together? Quarters   1 &  2

   3   4   5   6   7