Page 3 - 053 OfficeTeam OH Catalogue V5:Layout 1
P. 3
Plasters and Dressings 55-63 Medical Equipment 14-16 Defibrillators 18-20 Hospitality and Catering 21-25 Motoring and Travel 26-33 First Aid Risk Assessment 64-65 First Aid Compliance Checklist66-67
68-69 Nursing and Care Homes 9-13 Offices and Retail 35-39 Sports and Leisure 41-45 Home and Lifestyle 47-50 Construction and Engineering 51-54 C o n e n s 10 Person 1 Person 20 Person 50 Person 100 Person Kits or dispensers suitable for use from 1 person up to workplaces with 100 people. Kits, refills and supplies contain contents as recommended by BritishStandards (BS). HSE Kits, refills and supplies meet the minimum standards as set by the Health and Safety Executive in the Republic of Ireland (HSA). + BS COMPLIANT BS-8599-1 Kits and refills contain contents as recommended by German European Vehicle Standards (DIN). German European Vehicle Standard Kits, refills and supplies meet the minimum standards as set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).