Page 5 - 053 OfficeTeam OH Catalogue V5:Layout 1
P. 5
Number of Number and Size of
Employees Fi
rst Aid Kits
Fewer than 10 1
10 person kit
11 - 20 1 20
person kit
21- 50 1 50
person kit
More than 50 1
100 person kit Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, you are required by law to carry out a risk assessment and make adequate and appropriate first aid provisions for your workforce to ensure you can administer first aid if an employee becomes injured or ill at work. The results of your risk assessment will determine the number and type of first aid kits that you need to have in your workplace. The guide below will help you choose the right kit depending on the category of hazard and number of employees. We understand that your first aid requirements are personal to you, your workplace or activity so throughout this catalogue, you will find wide range of first aid solutions that are designed to meet every need from workplace to motoring safety and eye care to healthcare. You will find an unbeatable selection of exceptional quality, award winning kits for personal, small, medium and large users as well as a comprehensive selection of supplies and refills. If you need help selecting the right product for your needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. How to choose... + BS COMPLIANT BS-8599-1 BS-8599-1 British Standard Workspace First Aid Kits Health and Safety Executive Workspace First Aid Kits When did the standard come into force? BS-8599-1 came into force on 30th June 2011 and governs the contents and guidance for workplace first aid kits. Use our guide below to choose the right BS kit for you depending on the category of hazard and number of employees. +5
Category of Number o
f Number and Size of
Hazard Employees
First Aid Kits
Low Hazard Fewer t
han 25 1 Small Kit
Low Hazard Fewer than 25 1 Small Kit
e.g. shops, of
25 - 100
1 Medium Ki
. sh
ops, of
ices, 25 - 100
1 Medium Kit
libraries, etc More than 100
1 Large Kit per 100 Employees
High Hazard Fewer
than 5 1 Small Kit e.g. light engineering and 5 - 25 1 Medium Kit
assemblywork, food More than 25
1 Large Kit per 100 Employees processing, warehousing, extensive work with dangerous
extensive work with dangerous
machinery or sharp
or sharp
machinery or sharp
onstruction, chemical manufacture, etc HSE